Project Setup

Basic Details

Your project requires a Name to help identify it in the main entries grid. Once you enter a name and click the Save button in the top right corner, your API key will be created. You need this API key to send log entries to Llama Logger.
At any point, you can mark your project as inactive and log entries will stop being accepted. The number of active projects you have is based on your active subscription.

Project Detail View


Every time a log entry is processed, there is an option for an email notification to be sent. You can choose the frequency in which these emails get sent based on the following options:

  • New Errors Only (An email is sent the first time an exception occurs and not for duplicate occurrences)
  • New and duplicate Errors (An email is sent every time an error occurs. Use this option sparingly to avoid possible email floods)
  • No emails (Email notifications will not be sent)

The Daily Digest is a summary of all exceptions that occurred throughout the day. This option affects all users attached to the project if they have chosen to receive daily digest emails in their user account settings.

Ignore Rules

This is a list of all ignore rules that apply to this project. If entries are being dismissed automatically and shouldn't be, you can delete the rule that is dismissing those entries from this list.

User Accounts

This is the list of users who have access to see entries in the main entries grid. You can invite or remove users from this list if you are a project administrator.

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